
Over 100 Advice Articles written by the Editorial Team

Publishing, Writing, and Mental Health Resource Tab For Creative Writers


Our editorial board does a phenomenal amount of research to help young writers across the world. This tab is filled with free, helpful resources called "Advice Articles" for creative writers who are seeking help in writing, publishing, and vital information about mental health. Feel free to bookmark this page in your browser so you can easily access answers to your questions about the publishing process and questions about mental health issues.


As always, don't hesitate to email us at for publishing advice, free critiques, and constructive feedback. We're always looking to help young creators!


That being said, below is an organized table of contents to help you tap into the 100+ Advice Articles we have to offer.





Table of Contents


1) Youth Mental Health Topics


2) A Step-By-Step Guide to Publication for Beginning Writers


3) Writing Tips for all types of Creative Writing


4) Motivation, Inspiration, and Encouragement for Young Writers


5) Local and National Writers Associations


6) How to Find Literary Magazines to Publish 

