

A Realistic Fairy Tale

Written by Sonika Dey


You know those stories where a young prince and princess come across
each other in some way, and the second their eyes meet, they just click? And from
then on, they’ve been ‘inseparable’?

Well, know I speak the truth when I say TOTALLY UNREALISTIC.

Any normal author who isn’t proven to be mentally insane would know that
even magical whimsical stories- no, even fairy Tales- don’t have any of that junk,
let alone in real life.

Ok, well maybe fairy tales do, but you get my point.

We don’t live in a fairy tale. I don’t live in a fairy tale, yet I know that things
like that don’t happen in the real world.

How do I know, you ask?

Because I am, in fact, born into royalty. And I have in fact, met several
princes. Big surprise, no magical, ‘meant to be’ click. And out of them, there’s one
I hate the most.

Prince Leif. He has a way way, longer, fancier name that goes something
like Leif ferilikins James the third, something or other... But I’ll just leave it at Leif
for simplicity.

Apparently, he lives in our neighboring kingdom, and I see him at least
monthly, and I have the many, many business plans both kings have to blame.
I don’t see no clicking going on here.

And I know you’re gushing, “Oh, typical story line! Princess abhors prince,
only to realize after an epic adventure that they were meant to be.”
It’s nothing like that.

And now you’re thinking, “Oh, then the typicalstoryline must be somewhere
in your past. You two used to like each other as kids but then in the craziness of a
big misunderstanding-”


There is no typical storyline because this here is no typical story. Why?
Because real life never has a lesson learned or justice or miracles or anything like

The truth is that Prince Leif is just a big jerk, and there is no big
misunderstanding involved whatsoever.

Ok, he’s not a jerk, Jerk... Oh, wait, HE IS.

We’ve never liked each other, even when we were younger. I don’t
remember exactly what sparked my hatred for him, I just remember not liking
him, and I guess that stuck. I’ll spare you my tragic, childhood experiences with
Prince Leif and just sum it up in the word ‘mean’.

Yeah, that’s right, MEAN. Not some other fancy shmancy simile for the
word ‘mean’, just plain MEAN.

But we’re not young, immature kids anymore. We’ve set all of that rude,
MEAN behavior aside and settled on a formal glare that we save especially for each
other, and a minimum of five words spoken per day.

Why have I suddenly kept my hatred for him slightly covered up and kept
my cursing in my head, you ask?

Because my beloved older brother, Nilo, urges me to. That’s why. That’s the
only reason.

I don’t actually understand why my brother gets upset about my horrible,
burning hatred for Prince Leif. He tries telling me that our kingdoms are so close
that Prince Leif and I are practically family.

If I were ever that closely related to Prince Leif I swear it would have to put
some kind of strain on the fabric of reality because that ISN’T POSSIBLE.
And it’s not just the obvious fact that he’s a jerk. Whenever I’m around him,
I feel off, like we’re both the same sides of different magnets and are pushing
away from each other.

I can just feel this slight headache building up inside my head, and I swear
it gets stronger the longer I stay within, I don’t know, a mile from him.
Though it can all just be my imagination cooking up an excuse to not be
around him. Which it probably is.

I question how my brother could say such a thing, especially when he knew
perfectly about everything. How can we be ‘practically related’ when I can barely

stand to hear his name? And even then I still refer to him as, ‘Prince Leif’ instead
of just ‘Leaf’, because I refuse to go to that level of, ugh, friendship where one can
call another by just their first name.

But generally speaking, my brother is more caring and understanding than
annoying. I mean, what with being next in line for the throne, I guess you have to
mature fast for the best results when becoming king.

And that’s another good thing about having an older brother: He’ll be the
one who has to take on that kingly responsibility. I’m free.
I’m free to do whatever the heck I want.





Sonika Dey comes from Bangalore, India. She is an ambivert who loves to ink her emotions into words that flow in poetry. As a 19 year old girl, she's pursuing CA and Bcom at Bangalore! Away from her busy life, she finds solace in her words.