

Survival Guide: All You Need to Know About The Unknown                            

Written by Sarah Clarke






(Which is kind of weird because I’m writing a prologue in my journal)     


Hi there! My name is Jewel, I have blond hair, and I have no secrets whatsoever. My life is pretty simple and whatnot, but like normal people, I do have some interests. I also totally LOVE to talk, I mean, who in their right name dosen’t, am I right? I tell everything to my BFF’s, so hey, I’m an open book, and I have TONS of friends, but the strangest thing is … (awkward pause… no seriously, stop reading for a moment...)…That I’m lying to you. 


I don’t have blond hair, and my name’s not Jewel, and everything I just said was NOT the truth. Yup, that’s right, I lied in my own journal, which people NEVER share or lets anyone read. Weird, isn’t it? 


Everything I was just blabbering on about were all lies, lies, LIES, and more lies. But, obviously, I’m not like other people. I want to make sure that someone finds this journal - someone trustworthy. So If you are holding this journal in your hands right now, I either somehow stupidly published this for EVERYONE to blindly read, you found this journal lost somewhere inside the mouth of a volcano, or I gave it to you. I can only hope that you, the reader, are a trustworthy person who understands that the things written in this book are NOT a game, and that you should be careful when dealing with this kind of thing. I’m literally telling you the truth when I say that if you don’t follow my directions, you’ll end up scarred for life. So, do you have the guts to open this book, because I warn you, knowledge is a pretty powerful thing. I’m sorry. I said that wrong. knowledge is the most powerful thing in the world! In fact, the definition of powerful, is knowledge. Check the dictionary. But If you are willing, then go on. Open my journal. 


I dare you. 



Introduction Of Me


OK, so before I introduce myself, let me just make this one thing clear: I can already tell that you are not trustworthy, so not fit for this book. You know how?  It’s because you most likely skipped my prologue!!! Do you have any Idea how mad I am right now?!!! Of course you don’t, because you don’t know me, and you don’t know me because you’re missing out on my introduction, and you’re missing my introduction because your lousy brain decided to skip my protologue! So why don’t you do one of the two following things : Go get your dusty butt out there, and read my protologue, or never look in this book again, and GET A LIFE!!!  ‘Cause come on! Any IDIOT on the street would know to read and notice EVERYTHING so you could always be the smartest person in the room. In fact, I don’t even care if you already read it, (actually I do, but just go read it again!)  Now go and read my prologue!!!!! And I MEAN IT!!!


.     .     .


Hi again! Did you read my prologue? Well if you didn’t, then you can just go and get hit by a bus for all I care. Anyways, I bet you’re wondering what that commotion was all about in my prologue, and I also bet you’re wondering what my journal itself is about. Is it about my epic life, including my besties and enemies?  HECK NO! Of course not! Then is it about all of my secrets? NO! What kind of a moron would do THAT? This journal is about discoveries, secrets and proof about... the unexplained. 


WAIT! Don’t close the book!


I’m pretty sure that you’re rolling your eyes right now saying, “This is probably another MADE-UP book about the supernatural, like zombies or unicorns.”   But I guarantee you that every word, sentence, lesson, paragraph, page, entree, and chapter I write in this journal for you is 100% true. This book isn’t about the illusion of MAGIC, because magic is fake. No, I’m talking about facts, real facts that are lost to us, but are still in the world. I’m going to try to explain this to you the easy way, and if you have ever had this same thought, then you are perfect for this book, in fact, you might as well have written it. But, keep in mind that if you don’t understand a word I say, then there is a small chance that you don’t deserve to know the dark secrets of this world. 




The Explanation 


OK, so try to understand what I’m talking about. Do you know about the laws of nature, physics, and motion? Take gravity for example.


Before Sir Isaac Newton, we didn’t know about this invisible force pulling us down towards the Earth, so, it would be considered magic. If we didn’t know why the leaves change color every year, then we would think it was magic, you know what I mean? These things that we know that exist are unexplained, so it’s called magic.


Things that we have very little proof of, or things that we are totally unaware of, could blindly be called magic, when it is really another law of nature in the universe. Do you understand? Well if you don’t, then this conversation never happened, EVER, and you should probably burn this book.  But for the people who understood... My advice is that you go with your instincts, so from this point on, I can’t really help you. Weather or not you want to read this book is up to you.


Good luck.



Stop Right There!


Wow. I can’t believe I haven’t even started the actual book yet. But don’t judge me! I also bet you’re wondering why I spent the last couple pages writing about nonsense. Maybe because I’m scared that you’re the wrong person. Maybe because you are.  


  But, if you are the wrong person, then… Never mind. I’ve been telling you constantly about being the wrong person, and being the right person. You are without a doubt, sick of it. I guess this was going to happen eventually. Well, it’s time for lesson 1, which is all about…. you. That’s right. You probably think I’m crazy, ‘cause YOU’ve known YOU for like, ever. But guess what? 70% of the people on the face of the planet DIE before they figure out their own identity (This is not accurate information. The real number is around the 50 percentage. I just rounded to 70% for more drama, even if the majority of those “70%” of people are babies and newborns). So, my question to you is, do you know yourself?


What’s that?


What’s that you say?


You say, “ How is finding my inner self so “dangerous” like you had stated in the beginning of your diary?”




This is a mystical journal (imagine me waving my fingers for added effect). Second of all, not only have I not gotten to the dangerous part yet, but finding your true self CAN be dangerous. Some can’t control their true selves. Don’t you ever wonder why most people go crazy? You know, considering that YOU probably already are. Hey, you can’t blame me. What kind of a psycho snoops around in other people's “diaries”? Yeah, YOU.


And even when I just insulted you, you keep on reading. How normal.


Anyways, about this lesson, there aren’t any… scary, bloody scenes, so this chapter is coward-friendly. So… I guess it’s time to get started on finding your true self. Ignoring the fact of how amazingly boring this lesson is, this is a basic, and must be understood properly…




What’s that you say?!                      


I sound like your math teacher?!


Hmp. Here I am, trying to teach the next generation, and yet you CRITICIZE me?!


Just shut up already, will you?




This here is a real stupid lesson. I’m sorry, I must have said that wrong. I mean the lesson is short and easy. Way too easy. I might as well be giving you a lecture on one plus one. Well, let’s begin, shall we? (No, not the stupid lecture, the lesson on you. Idiot.)


Ok. So. First off, what are you?


Book- smart? High IQ smart? 


Athletic? Flexible?


whatever you are, it's all about finding your inner self!




Oh man! I must have thrown up like, three times! I can’t believe I wrote all that! “Finding your inner self”. What nonsense! There is literally a gallon of cheese melting on that sentence.


Here’s the truth: You can take as many of these personality quizzes, but you still will only figure out half of your true identity. 




I should just probably throw some more boring lessons at you so you’ll just leave me alone. If you are getting bored, then I guess you don’t want to know about haunting spirits. Or ghosts. Or demonic spirits that roam the Earth.


Hah! Now I’ve got your attention! But before I lead you to that cool, scary stuff, you probably need one more, kinda sappy lesson. Hey! Stop groaning! And don’t you dare skip this chapter! I mean it!



Ha ha. Ha ha.




Yeah… There is no sappy lesson. I just wanted the satisfaction of knowing what great pain you must be going through right about now. It feels good. Oh, now where was I? Oh yeah. Ha ha. Ha. You must be pretty ticked off. Well guess what?


I don’t care.


Ha ha ha!




For the sake of all things green! Why are you reading this?!! I’m constantly offending you, BUT YOU’RE STILL READING? 

Wow. I have never known anyone so UTTERLY STUPID in my whole entire life.


The Knowledge

I have a knowledge I long to share.


A knowledge so powerful, yet not meant to scare.


Remember those old times, you were still young, not old,


playing, laughing, pretending to have powers you hold.


You may have thought before, and maybe still now,


that us humans are mere mortals, We didn’t know how- 


to wield such power, but we actually do,


for the human mind is a power, one strong, but true.


Over the centuries, we’ve risen above the rest


above the animal kingdom, we are the best.


Our mind, so intelligent, but I know you you still ponder,


‘How do we have such powers, my thoughts still wander’


when cleared enough, and trained by the best,


then you truly will begin your quest.


But right now, you may not see,


The human mind's’ capability.


Ok just pretend you can’t see that… I don’t have an eraser with me at the moment, and I’m too lazy to go and find one.


The Time


There once was a time something extraordinary happened to me. Something unexplainable. Yet I can explain it almost entirely.


I was seven, I think. I don’t remember the date exactly, but my memory about it is still crisp and clear. I swear it wasn’t a dream, and I have proof.


Now instead of leaving you wondering what I’m talking about half way into the entry, like most annoying authors do (I just want to strangle them and ask “WHAT IS IT ALREADY?!”), I’m going to be straightforward with you.


I flew.



I just made another entry so I would have an awesome cliffhanger


Yes, Yes I did fly. But not as you would think I did.




The following entry is dangerous to read.


If you THINK about them, you are creating negative energy, which is what your fear feeds off of.


But if you must, then go ahead.


Just don’t read it outloud.






Never be willing to invite a demonic spirit into your house, because once you’ve ticked it off, you’re dead. That’s plain stupidity. (Who would allow anyone into their house?) In fact, merely calling it, ‘it’ is not recommended. It’ll kill you. 


But most of all, never, EVER allow any spirit into your body. That’s called suicide. 


A demon is an evil spirit bound to the earth for eternity. In other words, they’re walking deaths.


I know. You’re really pumped up about this entry. I can read your thoughts:


“Finally! Some TRUE, interesting stuff!”


Hmp. That’s what I thought too when I just discovered this. I was beyond interested.


The first couple weeks, I was deeply addicted.


Next, I was calm.


Then I was nervous.


Lastly, I was scared to death. I was scared, but a different scared. I knew I wasn’t dealing with a monster in my closet. I was facing a fear that I wish I never knew. A knowledge that was scary, because it was true.


100% true. So true, in fact, that thousands have dedicated their lives to study.


Wait, wait, wait.


Are you laughing at me?!




Don’t judge me. 


I know you’ll follow the same procedure.


Let’s see who’s laughing then.


There are things in the world that you would rather not know, and know that those horrible facts are true. For example, over 100 bugs and insects will crawl into your nose, mouth, or ears in a year while you are sleeping. This is actually true. See how wish you didn’t know that? HA! Good luck sleeping tonight! 


Now, the following things I’m writing about don’t belong to me (it’s called research). I’m just technically rewriting the information. So don’t go off to the police saying that I might as well committed murder or something. Because that would make you- as my sister likes to put it- “a big fat meanie liar”. In fact, she keeps a diary, not a journal like I do.

But that’s besides the point.


So… now where were we? Great. Now I have to scroll all the way to the top of the page to figure out. Eh… just… wait a second…

Oh yeah, I was just telling you to shut up- I say that to you often, don’t I?


Well, anyways, before I start poisoning your brain with facts you’ll regret, I need you do do a couple things first.


One, don’t tell your parents that you’re learning all this stuff from me- They might sue me.


And two, If you’re laying in bed right now, or if it’s dark out, put the book away. I don’t want you to get nightmares.


Wait… What?


WHY did I say that?


Of course want you to get nightmares! I don’t care about you! If I did, then I wouldn’t be writing this book!


Lastly, three, If you are under the age of negative five times negative two, I recommend not burning this book, but only reading it when you feel incredibly happy, you feel as if the world loves you, the sun is out, and there are people around.


Ok, so, now, down to the scary part. 




The Entry On Demons For Real


There are many definitions for ‘demon’. For example, my little sister is a demon. My enemy is a demon.




Stop bringing my personal life into this!!!


Nevermind- On the other hand, a demon is an unnatural, or unholy being. A demon isn’t really your sister, or your enemy, but a spirit that’s PURE evil. Yeah, like, math-teacher-evil. No, just kidding- Even more evil than that, if possible.


No mercy in that soul.


So I’m not kidding when I say they won’t hesitate to do anything.


There are two types of demons: I’m not really sure what they’re called, but they are different. One is in a physical form. It can hold things, it can harm you physically. 


Obviously, you can hear its footsteps, and you can attack it back. It can do just about anything you can- which is both good and bad.

There aren’t many of these demons left. They used to be many ‘breeds’ of this type of demon- Witches, and Vampires, and maybe zombies. Some of these demons can even come in forms of animals. There aren’t any Vampires or witches left, and I don’t even think zombies ever existed, but there are still a few demons left- in form of animals.


The other kind of demon is more of a spirit. You may see it when it wishes to be seen, and it may be invisible to others. Although this demon cannot leap out at you in dark alleys, it can do other things. It can attach itself to you, paralyze you, drive you mad, or even give you cramps- sometimes so bad, you can’t move without terrible pain.


Believe it or not, the spirit form is more lethal than the physical form. There is no way to tell if a demon is nearby or not. However, there is a way to protect yourself. Think happy thoughts. Keep a good spirit in mind, like your family, or God, maybe even a friend. Show no fear, as fear is what all demons feed off of- don’t give them that satisfaction. 


I know what you’re is thinking: Whatever. A demon is a demon, yeah, yeah, now tell me how to take them down.


Answer: You can’t.


You can’t create a demon either. Pure evil is pure evil. There’ll always be evil in this world, and pure evil cannot be created or destroyed.

If you even manage to kill the physical form of a demon, the evil is not gone. Yeah, the puppet is gone, but not the actual soul.


You can’t physically harm a soul. 


Let me tell you a story of both kinds of demons. Two true stories. Stories that we not supposed to be discovered.


Stories that were burned a long time ago, that were meant to be lost.


Why, you ask?


Because they didn’t make any sense. No one had an answer to any of these stories. It was easier to forget them than to deal with them.





Sarah Clarke is a girl who loves to live in worlds other than this one. She loves to create said worlds in her free time, from fantasy and ethereal ones to more realistic and memoir-based ones. She lives in Edmonton and is 14 years old!