

If I Were a Place

Written by Richard Ostrowski.


If I were a place, I would be Mount Rushmore.


Mount Rushmore’s composition and significance may be compared to my personality as a conceit. Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln were sculpted into Mount Rushmore due to their significance in US history. Similarly, I feel obliged to honor my idols; on account of her positive influence on me, I honor my grandmother by writing short stories about her life. Just as the sculptors of Rushmore chose the four presidents because they were major idols of the United States, I keep my grandmother’s words alive, even though she is no longer with me, because she continues to be my role model.


Moreover, the detail of the sculptured faces on Mount Rushmore is similar to my own tendency to be specific. No matter the importance of a project or an assignment, I pay attention to every detail and never forget about the bigger picture.


Additionally, Mount Rushmore endures centuries of harsh winds, rainstorms, and extreme weather. However, the mountian retains its original shape created by the sculptors. Comparably, I keep the morals that my parents instilled in me close to my heart and stay true to myself when a difficult situation arises. Much like Mount Rushmore stands thousands of feet above ground, I keep my chin up and my back straight, refusing to give into greed, deception, and temptation. Even through the most stressful or tiring of days, I persevere and work as hard as I can.



Richard Ostrowski is a 15 year old writer and pianist from Nevada. In addition to writing and playing the piano, he loves to play chess.