

The Boy, The Salt, The Word: A Series of Haikus

Written by S.N.



The Boy

There once lived a boy from Lenterial
who would never touch his cereal.
He thought it was made
from pencil shave

which was thought to be a nasty material.


The Salt

Can you please pass the salt?
And put your nonsense to a halt?
To play with your food,
is certainly quite rude.

Oh! Spilled sauce! It’s all your fault!


The Word

I just hate the word ‘hate’
I always read it in distase
have you ever heard
a word so absurd

or a word that gives one such horrid fate.




S.N. is from Manila, Philippines. He considers himself well-read and can speak in 4 languages. He writes a considerable amount for his friend’s company’s social media platforms. He is 17 years old.