

The Constitutional Convention: A Speech

Written by Sanjana S.


My fellow delegates… We have all agreed that the people give the government its power. Without the people, the government is nothing. We all also share the belief of establishing a republic. Despite this, the controversy, over how influential the people’s voice should be, is existent. Many of us argue that the people are easily mislead, and unfit to have a say in the decisions of government, while others claim that the people would provide a sensible vote.


Though these are both valid points, we must come to a compromise for the best interest of our country.


We must have faith in the people, the citizens of America! If the people were to vote, they would elect a candidate who would do a fine job of running in office. Besides, must it be mentioned that the elected candidate would not have total control over the country? Though the elected official would play an important role, we must not worry over the people voting for the wrong candidate.


It is my belief that the people's voice should not be silenced. Though there will always be that once small group of entirely corrupt individuals, the general public will not fail us. Any other proposal brought forward will surpass, as long as the people play a part in the running of our government.


It is in the people’s best interest for the success of our nation, as well as ours. Their voice will ensure balance of power, and will prove to be beneficial to our nation.




Sanjana S. is an Asian-American writer who draws inspiration from Hamilton and his resilience (Immigrants; we get the job done)! She is a 16.5 year old from Mississippi, and her favorite song is currently “You’re Somebody Else” by Flora Cash.