


The Lonely Crayon and The Little Boy

A Children's Story Written by Matt Balk


Once upon A time…

… There was a very very very lonely crayon, which was the color white. Eww, I know, right? Who would like the color white? It’s disgusting! It doesn’t even work!

Sometimes I think it’s broken.

That’s what Jack thought.

So let me tell you his story.


It all started when a little boy, Jack, got a box of crayons for his birthday. I know right? What plain gift.



He loved it!

(For some apparent reason)


Jack decided to use them for his new school art project.


But while Jack slept that stormy night...


He had no idea that his crayons were talking to each other!

The crayons had a conversation that went something like this:


Blah blah blah blabbity bla.

Just kidding, it went something like this:

“Um...Hi! My name’s White!”

“Hi! My name’s Black!”

“Hi! My name’s Red!”

“Hi! My name’s Orange!”

(Awkward pause)

“Hi! My name’s Yellow!”

“Hi! My name’s Green!”

“Hi! My name’s Purple!”

“Hi! My name’s Brown!”

“‘Sup, I’m Blue,”


The very next day, Jack brought his gift to school.


Dun, Dun, DUNNN!!


Oh wait, that’s not scary. Never mind.


The crayons were excited for their very first day on the job.


When it was art time, Jack took out his crayon box. All of the crayons hushed, and took turns scraping the paper with color.


But when Jack got to coloring his clouds…

(Now, Dun Dun Dun!)


He realized that his white wasn’t working!

“Oh no!” said Jack.

“My white crayon isn’t working!”

Jack said,

“I don’t like this white. It doesn’t even work! I like black better.”


Every day after that, Jack used every other color...

... Except for white.


Eventually, all the colors got beautiful shiny heads...

... Except for white.


“Don’t worry,” said the other colors. “You’re just sick- you’ll get better one day!”


So white believed that one day, her blank head and coat would turn a beautiful shade.


But it never did. And soon enough, everyone left white out. White became a very lonely color.


And it stayed that way... Until one fateful day , the art teacher gave her class a different color paper...


Jack loved this paper, because it was his favorite color…



But, Jack was shocked when he realized...


His favorite color, black, didn’t work!


And his least favorite color, white, did!


At first Jack thought that maybe white’s sickness had passed on to black, and he got really angry at white.


I mean REALLY angry!


And just as Jack was about to burst, the teacher explained to him,

white works on black paper,

But didn’t work on white paper!

And black looked works on white paper…

But it didn’t work on black paper! 

Jack was very confused.



Jack tried this discovery on some other colors.

It turns out, that some crayons would get sick when they used the same color paper…

While they looked awesome on the complete opposite colors!

Jack was still very confused… But he didn’t really care!


Jack started using white way more. And pretty soon... 


White got a beautiful shiny head! Just like all the other other colors! She was so happy!


White started to fit in!


And everyone started to take her in. 


The colors said to White, “Even if we’re all different colors… We still live on the same tree!”


“... And we all get sick eventually!”

But then white was like, “Ha ha! We don’t live in a tree, we live in a box!”


And the colors were like, “Whatever.”


And you'll never guess what...

When Jack grew up, he became a famous artist!

And he explained to his fans…

That white was his very favorite color!

But they were all very confused…!







Matt Balk is a 14 year old book-lover from London.