Photography by Silja Pietilä, 18, Finland

Dear Readers and Contributors,


I would like to take the opportunity to personally thank you all for the continuous love and support, especially through the pandemic. In just under 6 months, we’ve come so far; the magazine has been featured on Publish YOUth Writing and Poets & Writers, and the editorial team reached a whooping milestone of 100+ Advice Articles written! As we continue grow our global outreach, we’ve published over 280 creators from 25 U.S. States, 25 countries, and 6 continents across the world! 


It’s been a pleasure growing this community over the past three years, so I know I speak for the entire editorial board when I say we hold this magazine and our contributors close to our heart. It takes a tremendous amount of research and effort to manage the magazine, which is why we're so thankful for all of your support. We encourage you to share our publications and Advice Articles to help our other young creators who may be interested in pursuing their craft.



Lori Khadse

Founder, Nonfiction Editor in Chief

The Elysian Muse Youth Literary Magazine

Photography by Safia Henniche, 16, Boston

Editors' Choice Works

Dear Mr. Teacher
2020-11-30   A Letter to my First Block Math Teacher Written by Anika Chand   Dear Mr.Teacher,                You must accept my humble apology for handing in my homework late. It is actually a pretty smal...
Is Ethan Frome a Tragedy?
2020-11-20   Ethan Frome: A Tragedy? Written by Leya Warre     Ethan Frome is a tragedy, because the book includes much human suffering, namely Ethan’s. The story evokes pity within the reader, as Ethan is ...
The Death Penalty: A Criticism
2020-11-15   The Death Penalty: A Criticism Written by Krish Patel   As time progresses, technological advances occur, and ideas change, it is only fitting for society to view issues differently, with a bett...
If I Were a Place
2020-11-11   If I Were a Place Written by Richard Ostrowski.   If I were a place, I would be Mount Rushmore.   Mount Rushmore’s composition and significance may be compared to my personality as a conceit. ...